Excursions into the Black Hills


President and Mrs. Coolidge at the Belle Fourche Round-up. (Rapid City Public Library.)

While a chief executive is never fully off the clock, the president and Mrs. Coolidge did manage to eke out some rest and relaxation. The 32-mile drive from Rapid City to the State Game Lodge ensured the layer of seclusion that the Coolidge’s sought during their stay in the Black Hills. They took advantage of their surroundings. Afternoons were filled with fishing, horseback riding, and sightseeing.

Coolidge also took time to visit the surrounding communities and interact with the people of South Dakota. He gave speeches, attended dedications, and entertained guests and dignitaries from around the world. He and the first lady made day trips to Ardmore, Belle Fourche, Custer, Deadwood, Hot Springs, Newell, Nisland, Pine Ridge, and Rapid City.


Excursions into the Black Hills