A photograph of President Calvin Coolidge standing with his hand over his heart in crowded stands. Also pictured is First Lady Grace Coolidge. There are numerous unidentified individuals, including men in military uniforms.
The President and First Lady Grace Coolidge pose for a photo with Dr. C.C. O'Harra. Dr. J.P. Connolly is behind on the left, there are other unidentified men are in the background. The individuals are standing on a sidewalk in front of a building at…
President and Mrs. Coolidge seated in the stands at the Belle Fourche Round Up. President Coolidge is wearing a large cowboy hat. There is a crowd of unidentified people in the background.
"The President and Mrs. Coolidge at the Belle Fourche…
A photograph of President Calvin Coolidge arriving to an unknown location by train. Also pictured is First Lady Grace Coolidge. Several other unidentified individuals are pictured.
A black and white photo measuring 5.5 inches by 3.5 inches. Photo…
President Coolidge bends over a basket resting on an automobile. Also pictured is First Lady Grace Coolidge with two dogs. Two unidentified men are behind the vehicle.
"Mrs. Coolidge Inspecting the President's First Catch"
A black and white photograph of President Coolidge and Pastor Rolf Luim at the Community Congregational Church in Hermosa. Also pictured is First Lady Grace Coolidge and several unidentified individuals.